
General & Quarterly Readings

Divination is an ancient tool used to support you in building a roadmap for the fulfillment of your unique and divine purpose; these spiritual sciences provide you with a way to navigate your life experiences. As an energy diagnostic, divination can be applied to any past, present, or future by assisting you in learning more about yourself as you experience this life. It provides information about your relationship to health and long life, wealth and finances, children and associates, relationships, family, business, and give voice to ancestral wisdom. Divination can support you in gaining an understanding of how to best navigate and bring balance to many of life's challenges and process the unique lessons that will support your spiritual growth.

Spiritual House Cleaning & Protection

This work energetically re-aligns your space by removing discordant energies in your personal or business environments, setting intentions that align with growth, safety, nurturing, prosperity, focus, communication, and rejuvenation.

[This Service Requires Ifa Divination]

Ifá Ritual

Rites of Passage/ Aborisa

Through the O.I.D.S.I. lineage, to become an Aborisa is to make a commitment to the work of studying self and the wisdom of nature through spiritual community. The ritual rites of passage ceremony deepens the practitioner’s journey through the receiving one’s Left Hand of Ifa (Isefa), Warriors, & Ilekes.

Please note that becoming an aborisa differs from becoming initiated into priesthood (Itefa, being crowned into Orisha/Egungun, etc).

[This Service Requires Ifa Divination]



Naming Ceremonies

Newborns are given their spiritual names in this ritual known as Esentaye. This naming ceremony also reveals important information about the baby’s destiny, metaphysical relationships, guardian spirits, ancestral connections, taboos, and personality characteristics. Each name given carries special meaning and power which provides parents with insight to the newborn’s path and divine purpose.

[This Service Requires Ifa Divination]